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Study reveals the importance of gastrointestinal tonometry in monitoring liver transplantation
Gastrointestinal tonometry in liver transplantation offers early diagnosis of graft dysfunction and directs other necessary therapeutic...
15 de mar. de 20242 min de leitura
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International cross-kidney donation saves lives in Portugal
Cross-kidney donation is a promising strategy for increasing access to kidney transplantation, especially for patients with HLA or AB0...
Simone Bacilieri
13 de jan. de 20242 min de leitura
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What are the obstacles to organ donation in Brazil?
Refusal by the potential donor's family to authorize the process is the main cause of transplants not being carried out. Training and...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
17 de dez. de 20233 min de leitura
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Monkeypox risk warning for liver transplant patients
A case of infection in an individual outside the epidemiological profile reinforces the need for attention on the part of the transplant...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
12 de dez. de 20232 min de leitura
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Acute liver failure: How to obtain accurate markers to identify liver transplant prognosis?
Review highlights the diversity of factors that affect the origin of the disease as an obstacle in the standardization of criteria for...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
14 de abr. de 20233 min de leitura
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Xenotransplantation: Acceptance of the procedure with a non-human organ
A questionnaire applied to waiting candidates and patients already submitted to liver transplantation investigates how self-esteem,...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
2 de fev. de 20233 min de leitura
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Strict blood pressure monitoring post kidney transplant
Chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure are dangerously related. Monitoring blood pressure changes requires special attention...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
21 de jan. de 20233 min de leitura
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Covid-19 and Immunosuppression
Different drugs used in the maintenance immunosuppressive regimen of patients undergoing kidney transplantation were analyzed using...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
23 de dez. de 20223 min de leitura
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Donors with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome expand possibilities in heart transplantation
Using non-standard donors may be a strategy to reduce mortality on the waiting list for a transplant. The literature reports an...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
20 de out. de 20222 min de leitura
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Health education actions related to liver transplantation empower patients for self-care
Learning about the various aspects of the transplant procedure provides autonomy and independence, especially after hospital discharge....
Rosa Emilia Moraes
5 de out. de 20222 min de leitura
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Study analyzes the demographics of KPC infections in kidney transplant recipients
Mapping of infections in hospitals caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae, a carbapenemase producer (KPC), alerts to the need for a...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
30 de set. de 20222 min de leitura
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Diffuse large B cell lymphoma: What is the best treatment?
About 60% of patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma respond well to treatment and achieve a cure. However, among the refractory...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
26 de set. de 20222 min de leitura
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Covid-19 and extrapulmonary organ transplantation: is it time to review the protocols?
The possibility of organ transplantation from donors who tested positive for Covid-19, but presented mild forms of the disease, has been...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
28 de jul. de 20222 min de leitura
14 visualizações
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Da Covid-19 ao Transplante
Pesquisadores de um dos maiores centros de referência em cardiologia do paÃs destacam a importância do conhecimento dos pacientes sobre...
Rosa Emilia Moraes
12 de jul. de 20223 min de leitura
76 visualizações
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